This is the easiest option to copy text without formatting in Windows and not many people are aware that Windows has built in support for copying a paragaph or a portion of text from documents, PowerPoint presentations and webpages.
Use a Keyboard shortcut: Control + Space bar Next, hit Control +C and the plain text version of the copied content is in you Windows clipboard.
Open a new notepad window, paste the whole copied content into the notepad window and then select all the text. This is the most simple and universal method to get rid off formatting from copied text. When the plain text version is pasted into the word document, you can apply newer fomatting rules, change colors, boldness and other stuff. Using the paste special option in Microsoft Word will allow you to paste the formatted text into the “Paste special” window and then Micosoft wod will automatically convert the formatted paragraph into plain text. When you are going to paste the copied text in a word document, simple pull down “Paste special” from the office menu, as shown below: Use “Paste Special” while pasting Formatted Text in Microsoft Office This article describes some easy ways to remove formatting from copied text and use only the plain text version of the copied text on your documents: 1. This can be a bit awkward, you may like to paste the text just like plain text or without formatting. When you paste the copied text or paragraph in another document, window or email message all the formatting options are kept intact. When you copy paragraphs or text from Word documents, Powerpoint presentations or from the web – the formatting options are also copied to Windows clipboard. You can achieve a similar result in Google Sheets if you select the cell with the formatting you want to paste, then click the Paint format icon and select the cell that you want to apply the format.Different Ways To Copy Text Without Formatting.There isn’t an option for it on the menu at the top of the window. The Paint format tool is only accessible via the Paint format icon in the toolbar.Note that the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + V (Windows) will allow you to paste copied text without formatting as well. If you would like to paste without formatting you can select the Edit tab at the top of the window, then choose the Paste without formatting option. If you have copied text and are attempting to paste it into a different part of your document, then you may have found that Google Docs is pasting the formatting, too.
More Information on How to Copy the Format in Google Docs Is there a hyperlink in your document that is broken, or the information on the linked page has changed? Learn how to remove a link from a document in Google Docs if you no longer want or need to have the link in the document. This allows you to select the formatting applied to some text in your document, then copy that formatting to other parts of the document. While you could go through and painstakingly adjust individual formatting settings, another option is to use the Paint format tool in Google Docs. This results in a document with a number of different formatting styles ( such as strikethrough) that can look very disjointed, and make it difficult for your readers. Unfortunately many of the places from which you may be copying that information will use different formatting. When you are researching a paper or putting together a document that includes information from multiple sources, it’s common to simply copy and paste relevant information. Fortunately you can do achieve this if you select your text and click the Paint format icon in the toolbar above the document. If you have spent a lot of time getting text in part of your document to look the way you want, then you might have wondered if it was possible to copy the format you created and paste it to a different selection in the document.